Thursday, January 15, 2009

Look what I got!!

Isn't it pretty? I recieved this award from Mama Hen of Ship Full O' Pirates. She must have known something because this morning I lay in bed and thought "this is probably the most comfortable I am going to feel today" and promptly burst into tears! Yes, I love being pregnant. Being 5 days overdue in a heat wave CAN be a bit of a challenge though.

Counting my blessings, I would rather be five days overdue with a perfectly healthy baby and a perfectly normal pregnancy during a heat wave than face some of the hardships and complications that I see people around me dealing with every day (i.e. chronic illness, premature and seriously ill children, permenant injury, complicated pregnancies). Hang, I live in Paradise (otherwise known as Tasmania) with few fears for my safety and an insanely generous dose of support from family, friends and community - I have nothing to complain about. AND I get pretty, pretty Blog awards!

Just in case you are wondering though Lord, the fact that this baby's head is pressing so hard on my pelvis that my feet sometimes turn a bit blue, I'm not particularly fond of that.

Moving on.

I was tempted to pass this award back to Mama Hen, but she already has one. So I am going to pass it on to Ann Voskamp at Holy Experience because the visual artistry, writing and clear message often speak to my heart just when I need it. I'd also like to pass it on to Kendra at Preschoolers and Peace because her practical insight, humor and "real-ness" often encourage me to a higher standard of mothering


And another!!The Lemonade Award: For blogs with great attitude and/or gratitude

I feel very special that someone thinks my blog fits into this category! Thanks Momma Bug!

I'd like to pass this one on to:
Anna at Pleasant View Schoolhouse who can cheer up my day with a photo of a milk glass vase!
Amy at Amy's Humble Musing who more often than not makes me laugh out loud and think at the same time.
And Kim at Large Family Logistics whose attitude, practicality and sense of priorities always encourage me.

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