Kaylee Grace forces us to notice the abundant blessings we have by slowing us down and making us look at the world closer and in a different way.
Kaylee Grace makes us see and celebrate every good thing about each other and helps us realise the strength of our family and each other.
Kaylee Grace makes colours brighter, sunshine warmer, air sweeter, chocolate tastier, life better.
Kaylee Grace makes me a better person.
Kaylee Grace causes us to have compassion for others who have sick children.
Kaylee Grace makes us grasp each moment together as a family and swear never to take it for granted again.
Kaylee Grace makes us realise how blessed we are with our family, friends and community.
Kaylee Grace causes strangers to show us kindness, compassion and overwhelming generosity.
Kaylee Grace makes us celebrate milestones we never even realised existed.
Kaylee Grace helps us see God in a whole new, wonderful way.
Kaylee Grace was made for us and we were made for her.
Kaylee Grace is a blessing and a picture of God's Grace to us.
This is special, all that Kaylee Grace is and has brought your lives, very touching xxx
Kaylee Grace has touched my life like no other person has. I am blessed to be in hers.
She's a beauty alright!
Loving you
Amen. God be praised.
Amen. She is one amazing little girl. Hugs to all of you! xox
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