Thursday, December 25, 2008

Special Delivery

I've been wondering why I was not more stressed about the possibility of having to go to the hospital to have this baby. At the birth centre I am in a homey atmosphere (I've been there so often it feels like home!) with only my husband and my midwives who "get it" when I pray or quote scripture during labour, in fact they will join me in doing so. It is quiet and the focus is on just me. No worry that my midwife will finish her shift and need to go home (Anna will stay with me for as long as I need her) no stress that I will have to move to a different room so another woman can have her baby, no pressure to have my husband scooted out to "let us rest". When labour is done I snuggle into a big queen size bed with my newborn and husband or eat a big bowl of home made soup while I call family and friends to let them know the news. The hospital just doesn't measure up!

But I have peace about where ever I give birth.


Well, many years ago there was a young woman. She probably didn't anticipate giving birth in a stable. She probably didn't reckon on spending the last few days of her pregnancy on the back of a donkey. She probably wondered at the time WHY it was all happening as it was. But through those circumstances, prophecies were fulfilled and a mighty image of a Saviour who Humbled Himself was branded across the pages of history. And our Gracious God did not forget her. Shepherds came. Stories of angels singing the news of HIS birth, her son.

"....Mary kept all these things, and pondered [them] in her heart." Luke 2:19

IF I had needed to go to the hospital, well, perhaps a word from me would have touched the heart of a midwife or nurse and turn her thoughts to God, perhaps God would have used me or my baby in some extraordinary way. But I know that whatever happens, God will give me things to keep and ponder in my heart. As I entrust to him the lives of myself and my child - I know He is in control. Whatever, wherever, whenever.

Merry Christmas to you as you ponder the Special Delivery sent to us so many years ago, and the blessed hope we have because of it.

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