Friday, August 31, 2007

Just to let you know there are some new photos in my photo album. Look in the Erin and Billy albums for recent pics of them. There are even two photos of Erin's work in the craft album!

And here's proof that I am, in fact, HUGE!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Erin took the photo and Billy thought he'd get his noggin in too hehe

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Oh it's HUGE!!

Seriously, I need my own post code at the moment. The children are starting to be drawn toward me because I am creating a gravitational field!!

'Bought' and wrapped a present for the new baby's birthday today. It is a children's atlas that she got from the book shelf and it is wrapped in a bandanna. Apparently, we are going to read it to the new baby on it's birthday and the new baby will LOVE IT!
We switched the kids rooms over yesterday so she is now in her 'new room' and thinks it's rather swish. She spends a fair bit of time in there and I have taken the opportunity to implement afternoon rest time again in preparation for the baby being born. Erin has taken to it quite well and enjoys reading to herself. Although, I highly suspect she is actually asleep at the moment!
We have had the odd late night lately, what with Mummy moving so slow.
I had promised her that we would go and see some snow on Sabbath, and wouldn't you know Friday night was exceptionally mild and there wasn't a flake to be found!! She took it quite well and we just went on one of the short walks up in the highlands. She loved running along the board walk and looking at all the plants etc. It wasn't quite the same as finding some snow to "make a ball out of the snow and throw it at DADDY and it will be FUNNY!!" but it sufficed this time. I am hoping it snows before the baby is born so we can take her up again.

is still battling with the eye teeth, almost all through the poor love! He is being loved to bits by Erin at the moment (or "EEEEEE" as he calls her) and the feeling is mutual. He goes up to her often just to throw his arms around her. It is very cute!
His newest word is "down" which he says whilst collapsing on the floor at the end of the song "Only A Boy Named David" (play-acting that he is Goliath).
We washed his bear on Sunday which was a traumatic experience when he spotted Red Bear on the clothes line!! He got over it though and the smelly old bear is, at least temporarily, the -not-quite-so-smelly old bear.
His other new party trick is folding his hands for grace, which just melts my heart!

The new baby:
is LOW down now. No more kicks to the ribs, funny nerve feelings in my leg when a head rests on a major nerve too long and a general feeling of impending exit.

The house:
if you ignore the kitchen, is great! Nesting kicking in even more. The kitchen, however, suffers because it is being used so consistently and not cleaned QUITE as consistently as it should be. Last night Jon made 1kg of mince into spag bol to freeze and another kilo into rissoles to freeze. Last Friday I made 5 meatloaves to freeze, 24 muffins for the church luncheon, lentil patties for the church luncheon, Challah bread for opening Sabbath (tastes fantastic, I also made 3 loves for the freezer!) and the usual Friday night roast. Thursday night Jon did Pumpkin soup for the church luncheon (enough to feed everyone at church plus us for another two or three meals!!) - so you can see that the kitchen has been fairly well in use lately! I just need a maid to clean it!

The garden:
I have to come to terms with the fact that there are limits to what I can achieve. I needed a rest after digging 1/2 a square meter on Sunday, much to my frustration, and Jon had to remind me that I AM over 8 months pregnant and those women who had their babies in the field did it all day every day AND quite a few died of post partum bleeding etc. so perhaps I am not a wuss if I slow down a bit. I still hope to get it a bit better, but fully turned and planted out before the baby comes is a little unrealistic *sigh*

A couple of pics, I will get around to putting more up soon!

Yay!! I'm 3!!!
Talking to the chooks through the window.


Lilypie Baby Ticker

Lilypie Baby Ticker
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


When I first worked out my due date, I remember thinking "This baby will be born when the daffodils finish blooming!". Well, the house is filled with the scent of Jonquills that Erin and I picked from the garden and the daffodils nod at me from beside the tank when I go outside, so I guess that means it will be soon!

has been a little clingy today and I think the impending arrival of the baby has something to do with it. We talked this morning about how Mummy will be tired after the new baby is born and she may go and visit with someone else while the baby is being born (She is determined that she is going to help get the baby out and will not be dissuaded from the idea!). It will be good for her once we are all settled in, but I am expecting an adjustment period. She has spent most of today in pigtails which makes her look like a grown up girl! She is becoming more and more articulate. I get big long stories about all sorts of things. She got a piggy bank from her Grandad for her birthday and earned her first 20 cents to put in it on Sunday doing some extra work for me in the garden (hauling a big pile of chickweed into the compost bin). She also spent some of her money out of the piggy bank on some flowers to plant in her garden. She was very grown up and takes after her Daddy, having to inspect EVERY plant in the place before deciding on a red flowering polyanthus and a polyanthus that somehow had a purple and a yellow flower on it. We planted them on Sunday afternoon near the birthday flowers her Daddy bought her and they get lovingly watered while I hang out the washing. Yesterday we went to Launceston, which is apparently the most exciting thing ever! She dressed up in her tights, plaid skirt and duffel coat that Nanna Julie bought for her and got complements from all on how pretty she is (of course!). We saw Anna (the midwife) and went shopping then had tea at Hungry Jacks before headding home. She was very well behaved for pretty much the whole trip, much of which involved just standing around for her. I think a large part of that is that she isn't constantly entertained at home therefore doesn't expect it when we are out. She has completed her Ruby doll now, including a spectacular embroidered jacket for her, and has started making Victor, Ruby's husband. There are photos, I just have to wait for the batteries to the camera to recharge so I can upload them!

has sprung one of his eye teeth and the other three are starting to poke through. He isn't very happy with it in general, but is coping as well as can be expected. He is more and more talkative with the vocabulary extending almost daily. He had a wonderful time on the weekend when a visitor held him, threw a balloon in the air and made Billy head-butt the balloon soccer player style. He was belly laughing right from the boots! The mischief part of him has been in full swing. Earlier today he came in chewing on one of the baby's dummies! Luckily it still had the hard cover on it so he didn't maul the actual dummy, but he hasn't had one since he was four months old! He seems to be growing as I look at him nowdays. Although he is still a baby in a lot of ways, and loves a good mummy snuggle, he shows his little boy side more and more often. He plays real games now, pretending to eat or feed a stuffed animal (or me!), making animal noises and holding conversations (sometimes with the couch!). Today he spent a fair bit of time standing at the window yelling "Chookie, chookie, chookie!!" for the chooks (who were blissfully ignorant of all the commotion). He generally calls them chooks, but my call for them sounds a bit like "Chooookie, chookie, chookie!" so that is what he copies. He spends time looking at books too, which is great (keeps him still for a few minutes!).

The New Baby:
is waiting at the exit so to speak with the head well down and all systems ready. The end has kind of snuck up on me after all the anticipation!

The House:
isn't too bad at the moment! Keeping to a routine (kind of) works wonders! And I LOVE my new washing machine. At the moment I only do more than one or two loads on Monday (laundry day).

The Garden:
Erin's garden is blooming nicely, if anyone gets the urge to buy her a present some flowers for her garden will always be a big hit! I have the green house 2/3 dug over now and have vague hopes of getting it finished and planted out before the baby arrives.


Lilypie Baby Ticker

Lilypie Baby Ticker
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

how did ANOTHER week slip by?

Short one this week, I'm trying to get the house back on track and I am ALMOST there!

has got a fantastic little kit called the "Ruby Doll" kit and she and I started making the Ruby doll this morning. She SEWED!! Used the needle and all. She sat on my knee and I guided it all very closely, but she most definately sewed herself! Talk about grown up. She was also wearing pigtails for MOST of the day today.

was very sick last week. Went to bed with a bit of a fever on Thursday night having been 'off' for a few days. Woke up in a pile (and I do mean PILE) of his own vomit at around 9-9:30pm then threw up all over me too as I took him to the bathroom to clean him up. He ran a fever and was generally unhappy for about two or three days then it disappeared. leaving me very tired! Nobody else got it though, thankfully. He is back to his usual, merry self now though.

The New Baby:
is going to be almost as long (or perhaps even longer) than the big brother judging by the kicks in the ribs happening at the same time as headbuts to the pelvis! Erin has ordered a "Merry-go-round cake with horses on it" for the new baby's birthday. I have a round cake in the freezer ready, but I think I may just get some plastic horses and bung them around the edge. I bounce back fairly quickly after birth, but not THAT quickly!

The house:
got pretty nasty at a certain point over the last week! Not keeping to routines and getting destracted easily ment that I didn't FINISH anything for a few days - including vacuuming the lounge room floor! Add a bunch of naturally messy kids and the fact that the little I did was so SLOW because of the bump, I am surprised Jon didn't just turn around and leave again when he opened the door! LOL This morning I got up before the family (as my home management book says I am SUPPOSED to) and had a cup of peppermint tea, read my Bible and spent some time in prayer before I got going. Lo and behold, I got more done today than I have all week! I knew there was a reason I had a home management book! The washing never missed a beat because of my lovely new 7.5kg washer. It has pretty lights and is new so managed to maintain my interest :P

The garden:
is looking good. I am making slow progress turning over the green house. Billy had a fantastic time with me in there on Sunday. I put him in a sling on my back while I dug and he banged on my back, made horsey noises and tapped the roof of the green house to make the condensation rain down! Great fun!


Lilypie Baby Ticker

Lilypie Baby Ticker
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, August 13, 2007

Ten things I like about being pregnant (in no particular order)

1. being the 'work space' for God to make a new little person to add to our family
2. feeling (and watching!) the little pokes and prods
3. being the mother of three, but having one of those three warm, safe, fed and content pretty much all the time with minimum effort on my part (appeals to my inner lazy woman)
4. giggling when the baby jumps when I - how do I say this politely? - pass wind
5. preparing for the baby's arrival
6. the excitement shown by others over the baby's imminent arrival (Erin has ordered a merry-go-round cake for the baby's birthday - we'll see!!)
7. washing little baby socks!!
8. my very indulgent husband bringing me chocolate when I am tired and/or grumpy
9. having all that 'excess skin' filled out and taut rather than....flopping
10. having the excuse for a nap - even if I can't use it very often!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

He's Here!!

Another week, another update! Bek and Shane, some good friends of ours, have had their baby. A healthy, bouncing baby boy Stephen Jon - 9lb 10.5 oz, born at home, delivered by Daddy on the bathroom floor!! Although I am told Bek had a bit to do with it too LOL Their older daughter is six weeks older than Billy, so it is a milestone in MY pregnancy for them to have their baby. It feels like we will be seeing OUR baby in six weeks or less now. Please keep praying for Baby Matthew who has been experiencing some breathing difficulties.

had a birthday on Sunday and is now a big three year old girl. She had a fantastic weekend with Church and Nanny and Poppy arriving on Saturday, morning presents, going on a special 'date' with Daddy to Launceston and picking up Nana Julie from the plane, coming home from Launceston to a house full of balloons and streamers and a special birthday tea and MORE presents on Sunday then having Nana Julie stay for a few days. She is like a pig in mud. When asked what she wanted for her birthday tea she asked for "some veggies and a drink" so that was easy. The pink train cake that she had been talking about for a month or more was not to be however, on the Sunday morning she was ADAMANT that she wanted a BLUE train cake! Why is beyond me. But blue she got. She got a Dr's kit, among other things, for her birthday and we have all been having regular check ups since. She is so grown up and more precious every day.

enjoyed Erin's birthday ALMOST as much as she did! Although he seems to be getting yet another tooth. Still my usual boy though with the sunshine and thunder. He is still obsessed with stacking wood and will spent half an hour or more picking up small bits of wood or kindling and poking them into the wood stacks.

Our newest bubba:
is getting more and more eagerly anticipated. It is the delicious I-want-to-still-be-pregnant-but-I-can't-wait-to-meet-the-baby stage! I couldn't restrain myself anymore and made the baby's bed today. About four or five weeks too early I know, but I couldn't help myself. I am feeling a little tired today and bub has been sitting up high kicking into my diaphragm, but I still love being pregnant!

The house:
is benefiting from a visit from my Mum and a new 7.5 kg washing machine! Nearly all the washing is DONE! It could still do with a little tidying, but over all it isn't too bad. I am going to have to bring myself to take down the streamers and balloons sometime soon though.

The Garden:
has some new pansies and a polyanthus that Jon bought for Erin during their 'date'. We planted them in the garden next to the clothes line. Jon also got me a pruining saw so look our trees! The green house is slowly getting dug over ready to be planted out.

Big Projects:
Our big project this week was Erin's birthday, which went well. I will post some pics when I have a minute.


Lilypie Baby Ticker

Lilypie Baby Ticker
Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, August 02, 2007

From the mouth of Erin

This morning Billy was voicing his displeasure at some injustice (real or imagined, I can't remember. It may have been that breakfast wasn't on the table yet!). I turned to him and said "What's the matter kiddo? You are just a yeller aren't you? You're my Old Yeller!" (he probably didn't get the old cinema reference, but I was amused) Erin looked up and said "Yes Billy, you are OLD Yeller, soon we will have a NEW Yeller, the new yeller is in Mummy's tummy!!"

Somehow I think she has a realistic view of her younger siblings ROFL