He Came to Me
I am blessed to have two small children and even more blessed to be able to stay at home and be their primary caregiver all day.
This is a wonderful and awesome task. Both the children are beautiful, vibrant personalities, and both have a solid dose of their father’s and my stubbornness and temper! When you are two and a half (as my daughter is) this makes for a tumultuous time as the “drama tiara” comes out on a regular basis! My son, who is seven and a half months, growls when things don’t go his way. I hadn’t known that 6 month olds could have temper tantrums until I met him!
The daunting task of shaping these traits into strength of character is an all day event, it is no wonder I feel the need for prayer on a daily basis!
Therein lies a problem. I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. As I sit at my desk or kneel down for prayer now days, it seems very common for me to wake up about an hour later, stiff and sore with a little wet patch where I drooled in my sleep!
This is frustrating to say the least. At a time in my life when I need my connection with God on a daily basis more than ever, I was falling asleep every time I tried to connect!
I tried going to bed earlier, and found I never spent time with my night-owl Beloved.
I tried getting up later and found that my house was soon in ruin.
I tried doing both and THAT was a disaster.
Extra vitamins, more water, more exercise, none of it helped. Still, every time I got on my knees or sat at my desk to pray, I would sink into a deep sleep.
I cried out to God silently as I chopped onions for dinner “Am I lazy? Undisciplined?? You and I are usually on such good speaking terms! I want that time just You and me Lord. I want that time to fill up so I can give to my family.”
The next day I got out of bed, I made my Beloved’s lunch and ironed a shirt, I unloaded the dishwasher and grabbed the dog lead to walk the dog – just another chore; one that I had been neglecting lately which my lumbering beast reminded me of with her enthusiastic lick.
We headed out along the footpath, the river bathed in the golden light of a new day, the water birds swooping out over the water.
And all of a sudden, there He was. Walking beside me. “You’ve wanted to talk to me?” He said “Well here I am!”
So we talked. I thanked Him profusely for my beautiful family, such a blessing to me. I asked Him how I should manage things better. I asked His blessings and sang His praises.
Then, as I put my dog back and hung up her lead, I realized that I had spent that time with my Lord, and I haddn’t even yawned. He met me where I am. He came to me, and all I had to do, was ask.